by Deacon Jessica Noonan (she/her), Associate Director at LEAD
What does it mean to be a Christian in today’s world? I think about this a lot for myself, my children, clients that I work with. What is the real difference we make in the world? I believe there are endless ways we can live as followers of Jesus in today’s world. From our everyday encounters with strangers to the big stuff like adding a voice of love and care in a divisive conversation or even experimenting with new ways of loving the neighbors around your church building. We can do so much as we enter spaces online and in-person from the posture of sincere care for the other, however you define “other.” Jesus tells us in John 13:35 that “everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.” The Holy Spirit is always whispering and nudging us to do things that show love as well as gives us the courage to take that first step in love. I leave you with these words from Pastor Meta Herrick Carlson:
speak it plain: words for worship and life together by Meta Herrick Carlson
The world is filled
with good reasons to hide,
to turn away or inward to preserve
some distance and dignity.
But the struggle remains,
and justice beckons your attention
to come alive and together
for the here and now.
The Spirit of God stirs, even in fear,
so you might keep moving, through
thresholds with hearts wide open
to heaven revealed in good courage.