LEAD Values Cards
Setting values
LEAD Values Cards offer a fun, engaging way for individuals, small groups or teams, families, youth groups, or congregations to develop a deeper connection and understanding of who you are and what really matters to you as individuals and together as a group.
As a group, or individually, you will sort through the deck of cards several times, each time honing the list of values until you have identified your top 3-5 values. Instructions for a variety of activities are available with purchase of the cards.
Congregational Values Cards
A 52-card set designed to help congregations, church councils/boards, ministry teams, and staff identify shared values
Why values matter
- Values can be used to set priorities
- Values can be used for decision-making
- Values can be used to assess and evaluate ministries, projects or programs that may have outlived their purpose
- Values can frame budgets
- Values can give form to communication
What’s included (Download)
- Updated values and descriptions on cards
- Download of deck of cards is available upon purchase
- List of all the values included
- Unlimited prints
- Access to online resources and activities for using the cards
Identify what’s most
important to you…
As a group
As a family (by birth or by choice)
As a congregation