by Deacon Peggy Hahn (she/her), Co-director at LEAD
Talk may cost you more than you realize – it is far from cheap. A lot of time is wasted complaining, comparing, and condemning. Our words can build up or tear down. Yes, actions speak louder, but what we say to each other, the very words we choose, and the topics we invest in are what sparks action. Think about talking as the spark that makes a move happen.
Jesus often led with questions. “Who do you say that I am?”
LEAD is offering a new intensive retreat – 6 CONVERSATIONS – in person (Feb 28-Mar 1) and online (Mar 8). We are focusing on six essential conversations for a faith community. Please join us to gain a few skills in shifting the conversation from merely surviving and working around the past to thriving and discovering the future.
It has been said that people need at least 6 affirmations for every put-down they receive. If this is true, then we could say positive things to others and ourselves for the rest of our lives and never overcome the amount of negative noise in our lives. Our children, elderly, ourselves – everyone -including our congregational community, needs to be affirmed. We are more precious than we realize.
Let’s talk ourselves into strength, love, and compassion for others. By turning up this volume of care with integrity we can offer a little balance to the hate all around us. There is an urgency for us to step up and show what it looks like to love one another as God has loved us.